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Highfield Streetteam

The Highfield Streetteam is your new gang of festival crazies!

The members of the streetteam arrange promotions and receive exclusive benefits in return - from free merch to a festival visit for free!
But whether you're handing out flyers together or just meeting up for a beer, the fun and exchange between festival fans and the Highfield organising team is always at the forefront!


These are your advantages:

  • Free T-shirt and Gymbag with exclusive Highfield Streetteam motif
  • Free access to concerts in Leipzig and the region (you distribute flyers before the concert and get to experience the concert for free)
  • Joint activities with your friends from the streetteam (monthly after-work beer, various special events) 
  • Meet new people and make friends in an uncomplicated way
  • Get to know the festival makers, gain relevant experience and make contacts in the industry
  • The most loyal members get access to the Highfield Festival

Curious? Register here: highfieldstreetteam@hkes.de

Neugierig? Melde dich hier: highfieldstreetteam@hkes.de